10 Crazy Star Trek: Picard Season 3 Theories

9. Ed Speleers = René Picard (And Plays With Matches)

Rene Picard 2 Fire Ed Speleers Star Trek Season 3 Theory

Get used to the name Edward 'Ed' Speleers because you're going to be hearing it a lot! No apologies from us – he's simply the new everything.

One of the whackiest, most out-there theories about Picard season three is that new guy in the trailers, actor Ed Speleers (of Downtown Abbey and Outlander fame), is in fact René Picard. This wonderfully, shall we say 'innovative,' idea was suggested by Rachel Amber Bloom during Tex-Trek's live stream.

René is that cute little kid, Jean-Luc's nephew, who we saw on Earth in The Next Generation episode Family, remember? Wait…! Didn't he die in a fire along with his Dad, Robert Picard? That's what the call to Jean-Luc in the holodeck in Star Trek: Generations was all about. He was devastated and even had those Victorian Christmas visions of René in the Nexus.

Well, it turns out that some of you think that this outwardly sweet boy wasn't actually quite so innocent after all. The theory goes that René was actually a maniacal, murderous, hot-headed little arsonist (René Le Pyromane, as his friends in La Barre, France called him) who set fire to his family home and escaped unharmed. Now he's back about 30 years later to take down his uncle like the proper professional pyromaniac he is.

As theories go, this one is insane and obviously not going to happen. Still, it's kinda fun to think that wholesome little René was really a twisted firestarter all along.

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Jack Kiely is a writer with a PhD in French and almost certainly an unhealthy obsession with Star Trek.