10 Creepy Theories That Ruin Your Favourite Kids TV Shows

4. Topsy & Tim Are Pod People, WTF?!

Homer Scared

Okay, this is more of a real life conspiracy theory, but hear me out. Based on the bestselling children’s books of the same name by Jean and Gareth Adamson, Topsy & Tim details the normal, everyday lives of two fraternal twins, and the hijinks they get up to. You’d think it couldn’t be any more boring than it sounds.

Oddly uplifting theme tune aside, you’d be horribly, nauseatingly wrong, because it turns out that watching the normal, everyday lives of two fraternal twins isn’t the high octane thrill ride that someone imagined it would be.

The only saving grace of the show - and the only thing that lifts it anywhere close to the charm of the original books - is the twin actors themselves, whose easy chemistry propels Topsy & Tim along whenever you feel like throwing a shoe at the TV.

Except they’re not twins, are they? Jocelyn Macnab and Joshua Lester are two entirely unrelated children who were somehow cast to play Topsy and Tim despite the fact that the producers were looking for twins, because the parts were for two twin children. Do you see? Twins. And yet they are clearly virtually identical. Clearly.

Producer Fiona Robinson has said of the pair,

"They absolutely shone in their auditions and made a wonderful pairing. They were able to display a brilliant sibling chemistry, despite being completely unrelated and very different personalities. The way they work on set is also very complimentary. As a pair and individually, they astound me each day with their capability."

Yes, that’s all lovely. But perhaps the more flabbergasting piece of kismet is the fact that they are clearly the same person divided into two. Like twins. Just look at them. Look at their names. They even have the names of twins. Jocelyn and Joshua? Come on.

There’s mischief afoot here. Were Macnab and Lester separated at birth, and brought back together for the purposes of fooling a generation of parents? Someone is screwing with us. Are they pod people? Clones? Dear god, how many of them are there?

They’re antichrists, aren’t they? These are the end times.

In this post: 
The Simpsons
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Professional writer, punk werewolf and nesting place for starfish. Obsessed with squid, spirals and story. I publish short weird fiction online at desincarne.com, and tweet nonsense under the name Jack The Bodiless. You can follow me all you like, just don't touch my stuff.