10 Criminally Underrated X-Files Episodes

8. 3 - S2E7

The X-Files - Improbable

Any show that is essentially a catalog of the grotesque and supernatural needs to take a crack at vampires. Early on, for The X-Files, that crack came in the form of the season two episode 3, which looked at an unholy Trinity of bloodsuckers feasting upon victims found at underground fetish clubs.

While the later vampire episode Bad Blood would take a humourous tone with the subject matter (bringing aboard Luke Wilson to guest star), 3 stayed dead serious in its approach. It also featured David Duchovney’s then girlfriend, Perrey Reeves, in a prominent guest star role as Kristen, the focus of the aforementioned trinity (her lowlife ex-boyfriend is part of the group).

Some fans were turned off by the pairing of the real-life couple on screen (something far less common in the mid-90s), especially when it came to Kristen licking Mulder’s blood after nicking him while shaving him, not to mention hopping in the sack with him (even then, the Mulder/Scully shippers had begun to sprout up). Ignore this supposed “betrayal” however. Both characters were shown to have at least something of a sex life on the show, and casual sex was not out of the ordinary for either. Beyond that, it’s just a fun outing featuring one of the classic monsters of cinema: the vampire.


Primarily covering the sport of MMA from Ontario, Canada, Jay Anderson has been writing for various publications covering sports, technology, and pop culture since 2001. Jay holds an Honours Bachelor of Arts degree in English from the University of Guelph, and a Certificate in Leadership Skills from Humber College.