10 Darkest Animated Spider-Man Moments

5. Eddie Brock's Joyride - Spectacular Spider-Man

Spider Man The Animated Series
Marvel Entertainment

One of Spectacular Spider-Man's claims to fame was how complex it made the character of Eddie Brock. Turning him from a random loser into Peter's childhood friend was a stroke of genius, since it made his fall to outright villainy all the more intense and tragic.

The first glimpse we got at the bitter, angry creature lurking beneath the easygoing jock when he takes Mary Jane on an, shall we say, "eventful" motorcycle ride.

Mary Jane, ever flighty, has latched onto Eddie Brock, but soon finds out just how over the edge this guy has become as he begins speeding through traffic, nearly crashing the motorcycle and/or killing innocent people at multiple points, all the while talking about Peter in an ever increasingly unhinged manner.

It's a truly suspenseful scene as it's made clear both to the audience and to poor Mary Jane that she's stuck with a maniac.

Fortunately no one is hurt, and Mary Jane tells the loser just where he can stick his motorcycle helmet, but the viewer is left uncomfortable as this once likable character is transformed into a jerk right before our eyes

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John Tibbetts is a novelist in theory, a Whatculture contributor in practice, and a nerd all around who loves talking about movies, TV, anime, and video games more than he loves breathing. Which might be a problem in the long term, but eh, who can think that far ahead?