10 DC Heroes Who Need Their Own Animated Series
It's high time these DC heroes got their shot on the airwaves.

Marvel may rule the movies, but DC has always been top dog when it comes to bringing superheroes to the airwaves. From Batman: The Animated Series, to Superman: The Animated Series, Green Lantern, Static Shock, and too many others to list, DC has made itself a staple of at least two entire generations of fans' childhoods.
And yet, for all of their animated projects, there are still entire swaths of the DC universe left untouched. Whether because DC, for some reason, thinks they just wouldn't work, or the source material is incompatible with previous television standards, Dc has shied away from some of their most popular and enduring characters.
Which, of course, is where we come in. If we had things our way, we'd have every DC character down to the condiment king get their own animated series. But for the sake of brevity, we boiled it down to ten. Whether it's because it should have happened a long time ago, or the idea is just too good, these ten entries are the DC superheroes who deserve their own animated series the most.
10. The Flash

There are two types of people in this world: people who love the Flash, and people who don't count. The Flash is one of DC's most charming characters, and that threshold is shockingly vast.
Most of this comes from his supporting cast and his rogues gallery, all of whom are multilayered, yet charmingly simple characters. The Flash's universe was built to be made into a TV show, as evidenced by the two shows made about him, the first one from the 90s, and the current one starring Grant Gustin.
Now, normally, we would exclude The Flash, seeing as how he already has a show out. But the DCW shows have proven a long time ago that they take place in a very different universe from the classic DC characters. So if they make a Flash animated series, chances are it will look and act nothing like the live action show. Which is just fine with us, for a number of reasons.