10 Deleted TV Scenes We Never Got To See

7. Rachel Moves In With Gunther - Friends

Friends Rachel Gunther

Though NBC has freely released tons of deleted material from Friends over the years, there are also a number of planned, scripted scenes and plots which were scrapped before they could go before cameras.

Perhaps the most eyebrow-raising ditched subplot was planned for season six after Rachel (Jennifer Aniston) moves out of Monica's (Courteney Cox) apartment, at which point she shacks up with everyone's favourite sitcom barista, Gunther (James Michael Tyler).

Actor James Michael Taylor said of the episode's script:

"I remember reading the first draft of that script and thinking, 'Oh man, they're never going to make this work.' It just didn't read, even to me. I was not ungrateful that it didn't work.
Through no fault of Jennifer or myself or the writing, it just felt contrived and everything else that happened in the series, and continues to be, was quite organic...I remember looking at Jen too and we didn't think it was right...Whatever it was for, we didn't need that storyline."

Though it isn't clear exactly how this would've played out, the potential to jump the shark speaks for itself, especially given Gunther's colossal crush on Rachel.

It was probably for the best that this didn't happen, but at the same time, it's a shame it never got filmed before they realised how terrible an idea it was.

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