10 Dirty Jokes You Totally Missed In Friends

Do you remember the one with the tape measure?

Chandler Bing Friends

Friends is the American equivalent of Britain's Only Fools and Horses. The show is always on when there is nothing else to watch, it's quotable, has little to no bad episodes and has remained timeless.

From 1994 to 2004, and to his day, we've followed Rachel Greene, Monica Geller, Phoebe Buffay, Joey Tribbiani, Chandler Bing and Ross Geller in their differing trials and tribulations of various adult subjects. These subjects included relationships, sex, pregnancies, proposals, marriages and divorces. With those topics at the forefront, it was inevitable that there was going to be a few dirty jokes along the way.

The ten-season long sitcom is littered with innuendos, saucy quips and one-liners, mostly from Chandler. However, there were a few remarks which may have been missed upon first viewing or simply misunderstood if you were a younger fan tuning it.

These throwaway lines deserve to be highlighted, as they were the comedic gems, or rather the cherries on the top, of the show's half trifle half "shepherd's" pie dessert. (I will get to those quotation marks later).

10. The One With The Shower Massager

Chandler Bing Friends

Monica is left a giant antique doll house ("with wooden floors!") by her late aunt. After a conflicted play date with Phoebe, involving an unwanted ghost, a barking dinosaur and a giant dog, Phoebe creates her own doll house.

Phoebe's creation consists of liquorice furniture, a bubble machine and an aroma room. The latter would cause a small blaze in Monica's apartment. When Ross fails to extinguish it, he risks seeing his sister in the buff by opting to put the alight dollhouse out in the shower, only to figuratively burn his eyes in the process.

With the fire out, Monica and Ross stand awkwardly together in the kitchen with the remains of Phoebe's doll house. Monica, with what little remains of her dignity, assures her brother that she was just "checking the shower massager".

This joke may have gone over our heads, and perhaps the siblings wished the massager had stayed there too.

But hey, at least the pirate and the giraffe are OK.

9. Let That Sink In

Chandler Bing Friends
Warner Bros

After leaving him at the altar, Rachel secretly begins rekindling her relationship with Barry, despite him being engaged to Mindy.

Rachel professes to the group that it was nice to see Barry again and to hang out with him. They enjoy a lunch at a Russian tea room and take a stroll down to the Henri Bendel store. Now that does sound nice ("That's nice twice"), but prepare to brace yourself.

Later on, Rachel sleeps with Barry in his dentistry office, specifically implying that they did the dirty in his chair. Whilst cuddling up, Rachel states how handy is was "having this little sink here." Now, why could that be? Well... I don't think you need me to spit it out.


8. Scratching Our Head(Boards)

Chandler Bing Friends

When Monica is showing Rachel the airplane game, she accidentally bangs baby Ben's head on one of the beams in the apartment. A bump begins to form but luckily the two have it covered, literally. With Ben now wearing a hat, and accompanying wet weather attire, it looks as though Monica and Rachel are safe. That is until Ben starts repeating "Mon'ca bang."

Fearing the child may rat them out, Monica repeatedly whacks her head against one of the beams to fool Ben into thinking that banging heads into things was normal. Rachel follows suit but not for very long. She stops, rubs her head and openly blurts out "You know, if it's not a headboard, it's just not worth".

This line left us scratching our heads, wondering what on earth Rachel was banging on about. I think we all have a rough idea.

7. The 'Ms.'-ing Words

Chandler Bing Friends

After Monica and Chandler's wedding ceremony, Phoebe surprises Mr. and Mrs. Bing with a late wedding present: a Ms. Pac Man arcade machine. As time passes, the three become unhealthily competitive and hog the game, trying to beat their high scores.

When Monica returns from work, she discovers that Chandler has not only gotten good at the game, but has put dirty words as the high scoring names.

Upon inspection, she discovers that one of the three-lettered names "isn't dirty." Chandler informs her that "It is when you put it together with that one." Worried that her 7 year old nephew, Ben, will see them, she warns her husband "if you don't clear this off, you won't be getting one of those from me."

This gag was totally missed due to it's ambiguity, but it's fun to speculate. I guess Chandler will just have to use his hand to finish the job and pull those names from the screen. His non-messed up one at least.

6. Dead Wood

Chandler Bing Friends

Chandler failed biology at college and in the first episode of season seven, The One With Monica's Thunder, biology failed him.

The story follows on from his proposal to Monica in the season six finale. Champagne is had and the pair begin to get intimate. However, not long after, Chandler leaves the bedroom "fascinated", Monica assuring him that "it happens to lots of guys!"

He leaves to gather his thoughts and confide with Joey. Over at his friend's apartment, he turns to the players on the table football set and enviously utters "You guys don't have this problem, you are made of wood".

If that wasn't clear enough, there is a glorious pitching down sound effect as Chandler plays Crash Bandicoot, reflecting his current predicament.

The editing team are Naughty Dogs indeed. Sorry...

5. Rachel Shares Her Candy With Anyone 

Chandler Bing Friends

The main story in the eighth season is that of Rachel's pregnancy.

Monica hosts a Halloween party at the eleventh hour and Rachel volunteers to hand out the candy to the trick-or-treaters, due to her "strong maternal instincts" kicking in.

After being visited by a scary witch, a funny clown and an "in style" cowboy, she is charmed by a dancing ballerina. When Rachel gives her a second piece of candy, the girl, says "I love you" and embraces the mother-to-be. Completely overwhelmed, Rachel gives the remaining candy to the clever little dancer.

After explaining why all the candy had gone so quickly, Phoebe wittily retorts "No wonder you are pregnant." A playful dig regarding how easily charmed Rachel can be.

Fun fact, The One With The Halloween Party is Lisa Kudrow's favourite episode.

4. Tongue In Cheek

Chandler Bing Friends

In an episode notorious for Joey and Chandler accidentally leaving baby Ben on a bus, Joey shares an interesting fact about one of his uncles.

Ross has an allergic reaction to his sister's kiwi lime pie and requires medical attention. As his tongue swells, Joey insists that he and Chandler look after Ben as Ross and Monica head to the emergency room.

Ross gives inaudible instructions which Joey miraculously understands. With Chandler baffled, Joey explains that his "Uncle Sal has a really big tongue". Chandler then enquires if Joey's uncle is "the one with the beautiful wife?"

It is pretty evident how Uncle Sal charmed his wife. It wasn't his way with words, that's for sure.

3. It Measures Up

Chandler Bing Friends

"Hey, do you guys have a tape measure?" "Oh yeah, it's actually in my bedroom". It's a seemingly mundane interaction between flatmates. One is looking for an object and the other happens to have one and is happy to lend it. In this case, those flatmates are Rachel and Chandler, respectively.

But why would the tape measure be in Chandler's bedroom? Commonly such a device is stashed away in a tool box or a 'man draw' of some kind. Chandler and Monica begin giggling before quickly become sheepish. The former then leaves to retrieve the tool.

What could be so embarrassing about a man and a woman having a tape measure in their bedroom? I would be curious, but I'm guessing Chandler and Monica were an inch more so than me.

2. Ross Wants To Make Himself "Happy"

Chandler Bing Friends

In The One With All the Resolutions, the countdown to 1999 is on and the gang gathered together for a New Year's Eve party.

From the get go, they discussed their new year's resolutions. Phoebe wanted to pilot a commercial jet, Monica wanted to take more pictures and Ross wanted to be happy.

Of course, the always quick-witted and dry humoured Chandler couldn't resist another opportunity to ridicule his buddy. When Ross passionately declared his intention of making himself happy, Chandler pondered whether Ross would like everyone to "leave the room."

That's not implying Ross would be happier without his fellow chums for company but rather that he would prefer some alone time for some self love.

It makes sense as well. After all, Ross has proven himself to be a bit of a w*****.

1. Not On The Same Page

Chandler Bing Friends

Rachel's dessert mix up in The One Where Ross Got High is one of the show's most iconic moments. You only have to have a quick Google to find out that the internet is jam packed full of recipes. (Quick note, Rachel made a cottage pie, not a shepherd's pie as stated. Told you I'd get to it).

Ross and Joey scan through the recipe book to see how the mistake could have come about and discover that "the pages are stuck together." Instead of coming to the correct conclusion, Joey instantly accuses his bewildered friend - "Chandler!"

Joey's accusation is out of the blue, as well as blue in nature. What's his beef with Chandler?

Well it could be that Bing has also been following in Ross' steps and making himself happy this year.

It wouldn't be the only time one of his friends would be suspicious of his kinks either. Remember the "Jollies to Jaws" storyline?

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Actor, Stage Combatant, Writer, Rugger Bugger and Wrestling Fan. Suggestions for articles and quizzes welcome! Follow me on Twitter @joshuaplummeruk