10 Disturbing TV Show Storylines That Surprised Everyone

8. Sarah-Lynn's Death - BoJack Horseman

Sopranos AJ

And sticking with deaths that elicited the feeling of being suddenly gut-punched into oblivion out of the blue, the devastating end to the deeply troubled Sarah-Lynn's life during Season 3 of BoJack Horseman added another irredeemable layer to an already problematic leading light.

After already acting as the worst sort of role model to the child star of Horsin' Around and influencing her eventual issues with substance abuse as her highly publicised life would unfold, a nine-months sober Sarah-Lynn is quickly lured out of sobriety by the alcoholic horse.

Only this time, instead of simply sticking to the booze and partying the night away, the duo wind up snorting some BoJack heroin the fallen TV star was gifted earlier that year. And its this latest Horseman-encouraged occurrence, snorting said drug "like sophisticated adults" that ultimately leads to the fateful end of BoJack's one-time cast-mate's life inside of the Griffith Observatory as Sarah-Lynn succumbs to a heroin overdose beside him.

Making matters that little more despicable and shocking, Horseman would then intentionally wait 17-minutes before calling 911 during his attempts to cover his tracks upon discovering Sarah-Lynn's condition, with his dreadful lack of accountability extinguishing any hopes of her potential survival post-overdose.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...