10 Disturbing TV Show Storylines That Surprised Everyone

3. Turk Sneaks Carla Birth Control Pills - Scrubs

Sopranos AJ

Sitting as what many would quite happily class as "goals" when it comes to the always-complicated relationship waters, there was actually a specific beat during Christopher Turk and Carla Espinosa's routinely wholesome Scrubs romance that left many rubbing their eyes in disbelief during Season 5's first episode.

After deciding to finally commit to having a child together, Turk begins to get understandable cold feet about the whole life-changing scenario. Instead of simply having a mature conversation with his partner about the reservations he was experiencing, though, Turk creepily opts to secretly slip Carla some birth control pills in her sleep, among other places.

Thankfully, Carla was able to snuff out the alarming attempts to covertly stave off pregnancy after spotting a pill in a brownie and the two were able to talk things out as Turk eventually comes around to the idea of being a papa down the line. But Turk's childish and surprisingly extreme commitment to controlling his wife's body in this moment is a storyline development few expected or wanted to see go down.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...