10 Doctor Who Background Actors Who Got Themselves Noticed

9. The Skipping Sontaran

Doctor Who Silence in the Library Josh Dallas
BBC Studios

Sure, it's hard to be caked underneath heavy layers of prosthetics, but spare a thought for those minor Doctor Who actors who don't even get that luxury.

Actors like the poor sod who had to put on a Sontaran helmet and blindly chase Tom Baker round a Victorian swimming pool.

The Invasion of Time has one of classic Doctor Who's greatest cliffhangers, as the Fourth Doctor defeats the tinfoil Vardans only to realise that he's left the door wide open for the Sontarans to invade Gallifrey!

Sadly, it's all downhill from there, as the story quickly descends into a Scooby Doo chase through the TARDIS (which looks suspiciously like an old Victorian hospital).

There is a standout moment however, when one of the Sontarans chases the Doctor, crashes through a sun lounger, and stumbles over a step, only for Tom Baker to lob another sun lounger at him, sending him clattering dangerously close to the edge of the pool.

As one of Doctor Who's most infamous bloopers that was kept in the final edit, it never fails to raise a big laugh, and has given this particular Sontaran his own special place in the show's history.

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Citizen of the Universe, Film Programmer, Writer, Podcaster, Doctor Who fan and a gentleman to boot. As passionate about Chinese social-realist epics as I am about dumb popcorn movies.