10 Doctor Who Futures That Are Now In The Past

1. The Hungry Earth - 2020

Doctor Who Eleventh Doctor The Hungry Earth 2020
BBC Studios

2020 will never be anyone's favourite year, but let's not get into another debate about the Timeless Child.

Of course, 2020 was a rough year for everyone as we lived with the COVID-19 pandemic, and the world began to feel like a particularly bleak sci-fi dystopia. Doctor Who couldn't predict this, but it did visit 2020 in the Chris Chibnall-penned two-parter The Hungry Earth/Cold Blood, which aired in 2010.

In Chibnall's version of 2020, the Silurians awoke in a small mining town in Wales, where they attempted to retake Earth from the humans. After negotiations stalled, the Silurians were returned to their hibernation, in the hope that one day, a peaceful accord could be reached.

Fast forward ten years and Chris Chibnall was Doctor Who showrunner in 2020. He didn't revisit the Silurian revival, but there's nothing to say that it didn't still happen while the Thirteenth Doctor was dealing with Ruth and the Judoon in Gloucester.

One thing he did get wrong was that future Amy and Rory wouldn't have turned up to greet their past selves, on account of their deaths in New York decades earlier. Sob.

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Citizen of the Universe, Film Programmer, Writer, Podcaster, Doctor Who fan and a gentleman to boot. As passionate about Chinese social-realist epics as I am about dumb popcorn movies.