10 Doctor Who Futures That Are Now In The Past

4. Aliens Of London - 2006

Doctor Who Eleventh Doctor The Hungry Earth 2020
BBC Studios

From the moment the Ninth Doctor accidentally drops off Rose 12 months later in the 2005 episode Aliens of London, the RTD era of Doctor Who takes place in the very near future.

From the death of the Prime Minister to the rise and fall of Harriet Jones to the election of Harold Saxon, the big moments from RTD's Doctor Who lore took place roughly a year ahead of our own reality.

Hilariously, the political unrest during this period of Doctor Who does bear comparison with parallel events in UK politics. After replacing the murdered Prime Minister at some point after Aliens of London/World War Three in 2006, Harriet Jones is then ousted by the Tenth Doctor's whispered message, "Don't you think she looks tired?"

In the real world, Gordon Brown replaced Tony Blair in 2007, after a similar scandal involving what the Slitheen refer to as "massive weapons of destruction." Both Harriet Jones and Gordon Brown were then replaced by villainous politicians who ruined Britain's reputation on the world stage. Something else to add to Doctor Who's list of accurate predictions.

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Citizen of the Universe, Film Programmer, Writer, Podcaster, Doctor Who fan and a gentleman to boot. As passionate about Chinese social-realist epics as I am about dumb popcorn movies.