10 Doctor Who Mistakes You Won’t Believe You Missed

6. Light Weaponry (The Battle Of Ranskoor Av Kolos)

Doctor Who Midnight Donna Noble
BBC Studios

Jodie Whittaker's Thirteenth Doctor crashed onto our screens in 2018, battling an alien known as Tim Shaw in her first full episode.

Timmy rears his ugly head again in the series finale, the bafflingly-named The Battle Of Ranskoor Av Kolos.

Good luck saying that after you've had a few.

This second encounter stirs up bad memories for companions Graham and Ryan. Grace - Graham's wife and Ryan's grandmother - was killed by Tim Shaw, and both men are out for revenge.

This desire for vengeance seemingly gives them magical powers, as they can make guns appear and disappear in quick fashion.

While walking down a corridor, Graham and Ryan are shown carrying just flashlights, while Graham is also holding a small device (see the image above). But in the next shot - when a group of SniperBots starts chasing them - Graham's device has transformed into a massive gun, and Ryan is now also carrying a massive gun.

Doctor Who The Battle of Ranskoor av Kolos Graham Ryan
BBC Studios

Then, in the shot after that, the guns have vanished again. What?!

Does this mean there's a deleted scene where Bradley Walsh punches a SniperBot in the face and steals its weapon? Because that would be awesome.

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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.