10 Doctor Who Moments That Made You Say 'WTF Were They Thinking?!'

9. The Doctor Hangs Off A Cliff For No Reason

Doctor Who Nightmare in Silver Matt Smith Eleventh Doctor Clara
BBC Studios

Before he got shot and turned into Paul McGann, Sylvester McCoy was doing his best to keep Doctor Who going. Moments like this did not help.

1987's Dragonfire saw the Seventh Doctor and friends do battle with an evil crime lord called Kane, who ultimately has his face melted off in one of the show's most glorious villain deaths ever.

Also, spoiler alert.

Episode one ends with Mel and Ace confronting the titular dragon, which would've been a pretty great cliffhanger on its own. But unfortunately, there's more. And to put it bluntly, it makes about as much sense as challenging a Weeping Angel to a staring contest.

The Doctor is walking by a cliff. For no apparent reason whatsoever, he dangles himself over the edge of said cliff, slowly sliding down his umbrella to bring the episode to a "dramatic" close.

The original intent here was that the Doctor had encountered a dead end, leaving him no choice but to scale the cliff face. But the execution doesn't convey this at all, and it belies belief that all involved decided this was fit for broadcast.

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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.