10 Doctor Who Scenes You Didn't Know Were Unscripted

4. River’s Reunion

Doctor Who Voyage of the Damned
BBC Studios

Given how important to the Doctor Who universe she’s since become, it’s easy to forget that River Song wasn’t aways a recurring character.

After her debut in 2008, it took a whole two years for her to return to the show. But when the time came, she arrived in style, strutting along the corridors of the Byzantium in high heels, before flying out of the ship’s airlock… and straight into the TARDIS.

As you do.

Speaking to Doctor Who Confidential, director Adam Smith recalled that this sequence was present and correct in the script, save for one important detail. He said:

“It’s not actually scripted that she lands on top of him, but it was something that Matt came up with in rehearsal… we just thought it might be quite funny.”

Presumably, the original intention was for River to enter the TARDIS in a more graceful manner, without getting so up close and personal with the Doctor. However, the revised version is much more fitting for these two characters – and much more funny for us viewers.

It’s even more impressive when you consider that The Time of Angels was the first story Matt Smith shot as the Doctor. Clearly, he was well and truly embodying the character, even at this early stage.

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Doctor Who fan/YouTuber and now writer for WhatCulture!