10 Dumbest Things About Star Wars TV Shows

9. Not Making General Grievous Feel Like A Proper Threat - Star Wars: The Clone Wars

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The magnificent animated ride that is Star Wars: The Clone Wars brilliantly fleshed out a ton of the galaxy's most under-utilised figures, making the likes of Maul, Plo Koon, and many of the clones seen fighting for the Republic far more compelling in the process.

However, the same could not be said for one of the most wasted characters of the entire Skywalker Saga.

Instead of really taking the time to make the cyborg, Jedi killing General Grievous feel like more of a force of nature than he ultimately did in Episode III - Revenge of the Sith, George Lucas, Dave Filoni and the rest of the minds behind the animated series continued to depict the Separatist commanding officer as a not exactly unstoppable foe - even Jar Jar Binks and the Gungans kicked his metal ass at one point.

It's difficult to understand why anyone would feel that foolishly moving away from the captivating, ruthless, Jedi-murdering menace first seen in the 2003 Clone Wars series and heading in a more generic, cartoonish side-villain direction was the more interesting way to go with the Kaleesh warlord.

But perhaps even more frustrating is the fact that the recent Tales of the Empire series once again highlighted how savage and terrifying the Nightsister-slaughtering General could have always been, with that bloodthirsty version of the character feeling like a different creature to the one often found acting like a silly coward in The Clone Wars.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...