10 Most Emotional Moments In Sherlock

2 The Graveside Monologue

Masculinity can be painful. It's something people write books on: the pressure to hold feelings in, to lie and joke to cover up extreme emotions. John, although he often plays a "feminine" emotional role, is very much a part of that culture of masculinity (as a doctor and former soldier). So watching him crack, painfully, slowly, is truly heartbreaking. He talks to his friend's grave in fits and spurts, getting out all the things he never got to say to Sherlock. No one could convince him Sherlock was a traitor, not even Sherlock himself. Because there was a level of trust and brotherly love there that John would never accept was fake. Watching him hold back tears, watching him beg Sherlock to "just stop it" and come back, the levels of emotion at play are astonishing. Cumberbatch is amazing, sure, but no one talks about how awesome Martin Freeman is anywhere near enough. Of course, the whole scene has a level of irony built in, for Sherlock is actually listening nearby. Which brings me to the #1 most emotional moment on this show, ever.
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Rebecca Kulik lives in Iowa, reads an obsence amount, watches way too much television, and occasionally studies for her BA in History. Come by her personal pop culture blog at tyrannyofthepetticoat.wordpress.com and her reading blog at journalofimaginarypeople.wordpress.com.