10 Emotional Star Trek Moments That Made The Fans Cry

1. We Did Miss The Carpet!

Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan Spock Death
Paramount Plus

The most recently released set of episodes to feature on this list, Vox and The Last Generation of Picard season three were an emotional rollercoaster, with more ups and downs than Seán on a Beach Boys joyride through the Jupiter Borg cube. Episode nine in particular managed to produce the rarest of rarities: a near unanimous moment of joy on the Internet.

It was inevitable that they went there, but we'd have felt robbed if they hadn't. The Fleet Museum's Bay doors (no. 12) opened and there proudly stood (floated?) the Enterprise-D (well, half of it anyway)! The OG crew — sorry, Wesley — enter and the lights come on, consoles illuminating one after the next; they and we see the bridge of the D again for the first time in decades. Have they grown? No, the bridge is EXACTLY, gloriously as it once was, rebuilt to millimetre perfection from the ground up for the concluding episodes of the series. The tears had started to stream, and with the return of the late, great Majel Barrett as the voice of the computer, we were almost inconsolable.

This wasn't simple nostalgia or fan-service; this was the echo of our past selves, our childhoods reverberating into the present. For a good deal of fans, Star Trek has always represented a fixed point of security — an anchorage in a turbulent world. We weren't crying because the Enterprise-D was back, but because we remembered what it felt like to have it there in the first place.

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Jack Kiely is a writer with a PhD in French and almost certainly an unhealthy obsession with Star Trek.