10 Essential Star Trek: The Animated Series Episodes You Must See

6. The Time Trap

Giant Spock Infinite Vulcan Star Trek Animated Series Lower Decks

As is the case for many episodes of The Animated Series, the plot of The Time Trap may already be familiar to you. Star Trek: Voyager's The Void takes a good dose of inspiration from it, even down to the method of escape from the differently spaced space. That's not to detract from Voyager's reimagining, however. Imitation and flattery and all that! It is, no doubt, a testament to the skill of The Animated Series writers that they were able to come up with such highly complex, reproduceable ideas for a 22-minute Saturday morning slot.

In The Time Trap, the Enterprise, along with a Klingon vessel, becomes trapped inside an alternate universe, "some other continuum," whilst exploring the Delta Triangle… *nudge*, *nudge*. Ships had been going missing there since "ancient times," including the Bonaventure, the "first ship to have warp drive installed" (try squeezing that fact back into the canon these days!), and now they know why.

Along with the graveyard of ships in this curious pocket universe are members of 123 races, all united in peaceful cooperation under the ruling council of Elysia. On the council can be seen a Kzinti (technically speaking a 'Kzin' in the singular), making this the first ever appearance of the species, as well as a Romulan, an Andorian, a Tellarite, a Gorn, a Phylosian and others. The episode, which featured commander Kor no less, was also the last appearance of the Klingons before they got their forehead bumps (back).

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Jack Kiely is a writer with a PhD in French and almost certainly an unhealthy obsession with Star Trek.