10 Even Crazier Game Of Thrones Fan Theories

2. Theon Greyjoy Is Azor Ahai

This Azor Ahai thing really is working on the theorists. Who could be "the lord's true chosen"? Jon? Dany? Stannis? Ramsay, even? Well, have you considered a certain fella by the name of Reek? Of course not, because that's madness! Well, according to Reddit users, it would make complete sense if Theon Greyjoy was Azor Ahai reborn. He was born amidst salt (the sea by the Iron Isles) and smoke (when he was "reborn" as Reek when Winterfell burnt down), he has stated once that he loved Ramsay and Azor Ahai reborn will betray the one he loves - which Theon has done by killing Myranda and rescuing Sansa - and he will probably end up killing Ramsay in the end... what if it happens to be with Azor Ahai's Lightbringer sword? Theon isn't exactly a hero, but then again - who in this story really is?

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