10 Exact Moments These TV Shows SHOULD Have Ended

2. "Moving Up" (Season 6, Episodes 21 & 22) - Parks & Recreation

Parks and Recreation Leslie Ben

Much like Scrubs, Parks and Recreation really felt like it arrived at a near-perfect ending a season before it actually concluded, with the season six finale "Moving Up."

If a cameo from Michelle Obama wasn't awesome enough, the episode finally saw Leslie (Amy Poehler) rewarded for her tireless hard work, getting the job she always wanted - and being damn good at it - while raising a family with Ben (Adam Scott).

It was a neat ending that moved most of the principal characters on in interesting ways that made sense, while refusing to lay the sentiment on too thickly or over-indulge in fan service.

The same can't really be said for the actual series finale a season later, though, which was just a little too tidy and treacly for its own good, coming at the end of an uneven season that felt more like an overlong epilogue than an actual episodic volume of TV.

Season seven could've probably just been a one-off, hour-long special at best, honestly.

It wasn't a bad season, but it felt largely unnecessary, and from a storytelling perspective the sixth season said all that really needed to be.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.