10 Facts About Westeros Game Of Thrones Won't Tell You

6. Westeros Isn’t The Only Continent To Have The Long Night

Game Of Thrones Weirwood

The Long Night is a central driving conflict throughout the entire Game Of Thrones series. Basically, winter was coming, and then it came, and now if Jon and the rest don’t do something, everyone’s dead. The thing that the show never discusses, however, is just exactly what winter – or the Long Night – would look like elsewhere. For example, on the sunny coasts of Dorne. Or in the tropical lands of Sothoryos. The answer: it still wouldn’t look very good at all.

Back when the Long Night came the first time there was no escaping it. It wasn’t just the North where kings froze to death in their castles, as Old Nan told Bran early in Season 1. When the White Walkers came the first time, the entire world was nearly driven to the point of extinction, as every single continent froze over and had to rise up to defeat the White Walkers in the Battle For The Dawn.

That’s how the Wall and the Night’s Watch got their start, not to mention other methods of defense in other parts of the world. Something the show will never detail (mostly because they don’t discuss the land of Yi Ti anyway) is that Yi Ti built something called the Five Forts, which were black stone citadels that rose 300 feet higher than the Wall.

Considering that all of this took place somewhere between 6000 and 8000 years before the events of the show, and that most in Westeros don’t even believe in the White Walkers anymore, this could be an interesting development if the Westerosis try to flee to another corner of the globe when the Night King comes. As we now know and they don't, you can't hide when winter comes.


Jake Black writes the funny, weird, interesting things that you love reading. He's super cool, really famous, and everyone likes him. He's never once been punched in the face by Johnny Depp on a ferry traveling to Southampton, England.