10 Failed TV Shows That Became Cult Classics

2. Firefly

Firefly Fox

Perhaps no TV show in history was cancelled in as heartbreaking fashion as Firefly, the brilliantly inventive sci-fi western brainchild of Joss Whedon.

Between its absurd production values, superb cast and arguably career-best world-building from Whedon, the series won itself a loyal band of fans (who, of course, call themselves "Browncoats").

Unfortunately, Fox really didn't do the show any favours right out of the gate: they aired the episodes out of order, occasionally pre-empted airings for sports and marketed it more as a wacky comedy series than the grittier black comedy it actually was.

Citing low ratings after 11 episodes had aired, Fox cancelled Firefly and burned off the remaining three over six months later, showing just how little they cared about giving the show even the vaguest chance of building an audience.

Fans were heartbroken and campaigned extensively for Firefly to be renewed or picked up by another network, but to no avail.

A feature film did eventually materialise, with 2005's quite brilliant Serenity, but due to it tanking at the box office, the property has only been able to continue in comic book form since.

Fans are still crossing their fingers that, one day, a billionaire with too much money might write Joss Whedon a fat cheque and let him make another season, because this world and these characters are too damn great to produce such little content. It is the quintessential TV cult classic.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.