10 Family Guy Characters Killed Off For Good

6. Mr. Weed

Family Guy Show Ghosts

Before Peter found his calling in the Pawtucket Patriot brewery, his original job in the series was in the Happy-Go-Lucky toy factory, owned by the eccentric and effeminate Spaniard, Mr. Weed.

Like most of the series' characters, Mr. Weed sees Peter as nothing more than an incompetent buffoon - which is usually justified given the excitable man's destructive antics. He's even been known to fire him, but seemingly learns to tolerate Peter's behaviour after a while.

On one of the rare occasions that Peter manages to impress Mr. Weed, the flamboyant man is invited to have dinner at the Griffin household. He is intent on promoting Peter to a higher paid position, but just as he begins to do so, Brian chokes on a dinner roll, which is then heimlich'ed out of his mouth and into Mr. Weed's.

The latter isn't so lucky, and chokes to death in a matter of seconds. Shortly after, the Happy-Go-Lucky toy factory is purchased by the Pawtucket Brewery, and Peter has worked there ever since.

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Graduate composer, on-and-off session musician, aspiring novelist, professional nerd. Where procrastination and cynicism intertwine, Lee Clarke can be found.