10 Family Guy Characters Killed Off For Good

2. Angela

Family Guy Show Ghosts
20th Television

Ever since the closing of the Happy-Go-Lucky toy factory, Peter has worked at the Pawtucket Patriot brewery (in the same building, conveniently), where he is supervised by a joyless and short-tempered woman named Angela.

Like most characters, Angela has no time for Peter's shenanigans, and here she has the added difficulty of having to get him to do some actual work done. She constantly denies him promotions and makes no bones about favouring Opie, to whom Peter is subordinate.

Despite this, Angela has shown to hold a certain fondness for Peter on occasion, which eventually turns outright sexual. And while Peter is married and has no interest in the woman, it turns out that he can't even fob her off on the sex-crazed Quagmire, as she's too ugly even for him!

Her death in the series was an unfortunate by-product of the real-life death of her voice actress, Carrie Fisher, in 2016. Rather than simply write her out of the show, the writers of Family Guy decided to kill Angela for real off-screen, her role in the series taken over thereafter by the saccharine young couple, Bert and Sheila.

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Graduate composer, on-and-off session musician, aspiring novelist, professional nerd. Where procrastination and cynicism intertwine, Lee Clarke can be found.