10 Fates We Can't Wait To See In Sons of Anarchy's Final Season

9. Bobby Munson

FXFXAs Jax's other loyal supporter, the show's levelheaded Elvis impersonator has taken some big risks over the last few seasons, with his decision to talk with Clay about saving his life from Jax during season five being a point of frustration for many fans who wanted Clay's head on a platter. Fortunately, Bobby is a character who often manages to allow logic to trump emotion, considering and understanding the ramifications of decisions, including Jax wanting Clay dead immediately, not only on the club itself, but on its relationships with other people/groups and on someone's own psyche. Though Jax -- and viewers -- may not have always wanted to listen to Bobby's voice of reason, Bobby's love for Jax, his brothers and the club always manages to shine through. The sixth season reveal that he had been recruiting new blood for the Charming chapter instead of going nomad and subsequent patching up of his relationship with Jax was a highlight for the character and a bright spot in an otherwise rather grim season. Last seen as President in Jax's prison-bound absence, what happens to his new role in the final season is, like everything else in the wake of last season's finale, up in the air pending what becomes of Jax once he's forced to get up off his kitchen floor. As with Chibs, Bobby's a character whose fate could go either way, his loyalty to the club easily opening the door to death or offering the hope for a brighter future. Whatever happens, we hope the club's pragmatic teddy bear gets an honorable life or death fate befitting his run on the series.

Writer, film enthusiast, part-time gamer and watcher of (mostly) good television located on the fringe of Los Angeles, who now has his own website at www.highdefgeoff.com!