10 Film And TV Characters That Racked Up Massive Body Counts

2. Jack Bauer - 309 Kills

The Walking Dead Rick Grimes

One of television's greatest-ever characters, Kiefer Sutherland's Jack Bauer proved over the course of eight seasons, a television movie and a limited event series that he is most definitely not a man to be f**ked with. 

Shooting, stabbing, torturing and blowing up his enemies with reckless abandon and a cry of 'DAMMIT!' the former CTU operative, heroin addict, Chinese prisoner and international fugitive was always guaranteed to leave a trail of destruction in his wake.

Jack only kills ten people during the first season, which is a little surprising given the sheer volume of fatalities he would be responsible for by the climax of Live Another Day, while the sixth season saw the kill-happy star rack up a record tally of 51 kills, the first of which came from ripping out a guy's jugular with his teeth. 

Somewhat fittingly Jack saved his best for last and decapitated longtime nemesis Cheng Zhi to prevent World War III in the final episode of last year's return, before surrendering himself to the Russians until Fox decides to bring the series back again.


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