Blackadder is widely regarded as one of the greatest British sitcoms of all time but there is a real lack of quality in today's modern British Sitcoms. Gone are the days of Only Fools and Horses, Fawlty Towers and One Foot in the Grave, instead we have underwhelming shows such as Miranda and Mrs. Brown's Boys- hardly 'must see' TV. We British aren't used to the idea of American sitcoms besting ours, but sadly that is the case today. Our lacklustre contributions can hardly challenge the rise of such great American sitcoms as Community, How I Met Your Mother and The Big Bang Theory. With British sitcoms currently disappointing and regularly being overshadowed by our American friends, is it time for a tried and tested classic like Blackadder to revive itself and the floundering British sitcom scene? We British need to somehow reclaim our title of the true Kings of Comedy. To support the idea, we take a look back at 10 of the funniest Blackadder moments to remind ourselves just how great it was.
10. Blackadder the Coward- Blackadder the First, 'The Foretelling'

Perhaps the funniest moment in what is an otherwise poor first series, luckily the show wasn't cancelled and our list doesn't have to stop here. Arguably this scene could have been left out in favour of several offerings from any of the other series, but a token entry for the first season which ultimately led to comedy gold is probably a fair shout.
Prince Edmund: They're coming! Run for the hills!
Baldrick: No, my lord! They're coming from the hills!
Prince Edmund: Run away from the hills! Run away from the hills! If you see the hills, go the other way!