10 Funniest Blackadder Moments

7. Lord Flashheart's Obscene Phone Call- Blackadder Goes Forth, 'Private Plane'

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=63K-wEaGxRc&feature=relmfu I love Flashheart. He is by far my favourite character in the entire Blackadder collection, the fact that his appearances are brief just make them that little bit special and whenever Rik Mayall is around you know the episode is going to be a blinder. The reason he is just so funny is the dramatic shift in tone that he brings. The usual dry, sarcastic wit of a Blackadder episode is turned on it's head immediately by Mayall's full on, in your face character, seemingly coming out of nowhere.

6. The Prince and the Prime Minister- Blackadder the Third, 'Dish and Dishonesty'

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T3jIE3b-bhY&feature=related "Once it was I who was stood in a big cold schoolroom, hot crumpet burning my cheeks with shame." Classic. The added touch of Pitt the Younger turning to address an imaginary crowd is excellent.

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