10 Funniest Christmas TV Specials To Watch This Holiday Season

9. Family Guy - Road To The North Pole

It's Always Sunny Christmas

Road To... episodes are usually when Family Guy brings their A-game. It’s no accident that their hundredth episode focussed solely on Brian and Stewie. While Peter might be the series’ mascot, those two definitely have the best dynamic.

This episode came out in 2010, the same year The Simpsons Christmas special involved travelling to the North Pole. This time though, the Griffins fare much better than their yellow-skinned counterparts.

In this two-parter, Stewie is infuriated by a mall Santa and, unaware that he’s just an actor, heads to the North Pole for revenge. It’s certainly not as cozy as most of the other entries here, but then would you really expect that from Family Guy?

When they find Santa, rather than the magical workshop we see in likes of Elf, it’s something more sinister. Santa’s factory is a huge industrial complex, and St Nick is a frail, sickly old man. Again, it’s not the jolliest holiday special, but it’s that weird twisted humour that Family Guy excels at.

Nothing sells that dark comedy better than Stewie as Santa, breaking into houses and assaulting the occupants as he completely fails in the task at hand.


Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)