10 Funniest Halloween TV Episodes

6. BoJack Horseman - Mr Peanutbutter’s Boos

The Simpsons The Shinning

Mr Peanutbutter's Boos revolves around a Halloween party, but in typical BoJack style it doesn't do things the easy way. Rather than just one Halloween party, it details four from down the years. As the title suggests, the parties are connected by Mr Peanutbutter, with all four being his first Halloween party with a different date.

The dates in question are his three ex-wives (Katarina, Jessica Biel and Diane), as well as current girlfriend Pickles. This fourth party gets slightly more focus, mainly because it affects the story going forward, but also with the extra interest of both Diane and Pickles being in attendance.

The first party happens after a misunderstanding (possibly deliberate) between PB and BoJack, leading to a huge party crashing BoJack's house. This becomes a yearly tradition which BoJack wearily gives into, and through the various flashbacks we see Diane's first meeting with BoJack, how Todd first entered BoJack's life, and so much more.

The costumes, including PB as the notebook from The Notebook and Diane and Baby Bjorn Borg, are hilarious too, and as is BoJack's way, every era is crammed with background gags. Not the scariest episode, but well worth a watch.

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The Simpsons
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