The hallowed XFM radio offices of the early noughties were a talent-producing machine that gave us the likes of Shaun of the Dead's Simon Pegg and Nick Frost, alongside fellow comedy legends Ricky Gervais and Stephen Merchant. Since those days when friend Karl Pilkington was just a producing credit on a payroll, the duo then created two genre-defining comedies in the form of The Office and Extras. Not content with such a thing they've gone on to become Hollywood A-Listers, with the Reading-born Gervais and Bristol-birthed Merchant leading richly rewarding lives for both themselves and their fans. Thus with Merchant now something of a household name stateside alongside Gervais, Ive compiled a list of some of the funniest sketches they co-created over the years. Ive not included The Offices dance scene, for obvious reasons, the most pertinent being that regardless of its inclusion in the pantheon of great comedy moments, there are far more scenes that fans loved alongside that brilliant sketch. Obviously theres going to be some Ive forgot, but feel free to throw them into the comments below and celebrate the often-cringeworthy, yet ultimately heartfelt moments these two built their careers on.