10 Game Of Thrones Warriors Who Could Defeat The Mountain

8. Jaqen H'ghar

"Help was not promised, lovely girl. Only death."

Even after appearing in large chunks of Arya's (often infuriating) storyline, Jaqen H'ghar - or at least the person with his face - still remains one of Game of Thrones' most mysterious characters. What we do know, though, is he's a member of the Faceless Men of Braavos, an elite guild of assassins. And the one thing we know for certain about them is that they can kill.

The face-shifter gives Arya the ability to name three people of her choosing to be killed by him, to repay the Red God for the three lives she saved (reminiscent of The Lion King€™s circle of life, right?).

H€™'ghar€™'s miraculous ability to remain unseen, change his appearance and kill seemingly anyone at any time means that he would be far too much for The Mountain to handle. Gregor Clegane is a master of cleaving apart foot soldiers on the battlefield and using his size to crush his enemies, but the nameless Faceless Man of Braavos represents an opponent which Clegane'€™s size cannot help him against.


Hailing from South East London, Sam Heard is an aspiring writer and recent graduate from the University of Warwick. Sam's favourite things include energy drinks, late nights spent watching the UFC with his girlfriend and annihilating his friends at FIFA.