10 Gore Anime That Will Give You Nightmares

1. Midori (Mr Arashi's Amazing Freak Show)

Deadman Wonderland

The phenomenon of human curiosity has led to some truly vile, exploitative and dark moments in our past, and one of the most grotesque is that of the freak show. There have been many movies, shows, books that explore it, but none come close to the gory and traumatising picture that Midori Paints.

The story follows the titular elementary child, who has dropped out of school to aid her dying mother. She wishes for a different life and seems to be offered one when a mysterious man gives her an address and tells her to come to him if she needs help.

After coming home and discovering her deceased mother being devoured by rats, she decides to take up the stranger's offer. If she thought life was bad before, it's about to worsen, as she ends up being coerced into performing in a freak show and is tortured physically and mentally by the other performers.

This short 48-minute film has every ingredient needed for a disturbing sundae. There's animal abuse, uncensored sexual content, exploitation, and of course, an overabundance of gore. The film is incredibly visceral, thanks to the disjointed, antique animation. Plus, the unapologetic trauma that the titular character suffers through make it more akin to a video nasty than an anime.

An explicit content warning must be made before watching, as this anime contains graphic rape scenes, which will cause significant distress to viewers.

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