10 Great Characters Game Of Thrones Ruined

3. Tyrion Lannister

Game of Thrones  Euron Greyjoy

The witty cynicism of Tyrion Lannister, coupled with his underdog character and aptitude for humour, made him a quick fan favourite. Testimony to George R. Martin's writing and the acting chops of Peter Dinklage, Tyrion stands among the greatest characters, both in the fantasy genre, and television, period.

But the character's reputation is certainly not without its stains. Seasons one through to four were almost flawless when it came to depicting this guy. From starting off as a carefree, booze-soaked intellectual with a penchant for ladies of the night, he was soon thrust outside his comfort zone. But with the use of his mind, Tyrion was able to avoid execution in the Vale, befriend a bunch of savage clansman, use political guile to secure his position in King's Landing, and help defend the city from Stannis.

Things started going downhill for him after that though. By season four his position in King's Landing was less certain, and by the time his trial came around, things looked bleak. The character was still making decisions that made sense though.

The writers put Tyrion through so many trials and tribulations, that he had all the experience required to become an affective advisor to Dany. His whole character story had been building up to this moment, finally he could prove himself. But nope, every decision he made after arriving in Meereen proved that his father's feelings about him were justified: he was a useless drunk.


Before engrossing myself in the written word, I spent several years in the TV and film industry. During this time I became proficient at picking things up, moving things and putting things down again.