10 Great TV Shows Starring The How I Met Your Mother Cast

From searching for The One to hunting Nazis...

Hunters Josh Radnor
Monkeypaw Productions

For over 200 episodes, spread over nine seasons and as many years, the cast of How I Met Your Mother took fans on a journey unlike any other, and though the ending missed the mark for many, there's no denying the characters at its core made it all worth it.

Like the vast majority of successful TV actors, the main cast left the show in 2014 and ended up moving onto other shows, rather than branch out massively into the movies (save perhaps Jason Segel, who seems happy playing both sides with equal success).

Many others were in beloved shows before How I Met Your Mother came calling, and are still remembered to this day for their work that predated the classic sitcom.

With that in mind, from clever anthology dramas to other fan favourite sitcoms, snd fantasy classics to darkly humorous thrillers, here are 10 great TV shows starring the How I Met Your Mother cast, from the core stars to the show's most memorable support acts.

10. Dispatches From Elsewhere - Jason Segel

Hunters Josh Radnor

Certainly one of the most refreshingly original additions to Jason Segel's marvelous career, Dispatches from Elsewhere was created by the man himself, and follows four mismatched people who are forced to confront the meaning of life and decipher a tantalising mystery.

Segel, who also wrote and directed, stars as series protagonist Peter, a directionless blue collar worker who uses life's latest strange curveball to finally find some purpose to his existence. Rounding out the cast is Sally Field, Richard E. Grant, Eve Lindley and Andre Benjamin (better known as rapper Andre 3000).

Weird and sweet, Dispatches from Elsewhere works wonders off its immaculate cast, rich character development and touching musings on life, and though there's no official word on a follow-up just yet, the first standalone instalment already shows phenomenal potential for future seasons.


i get to write about what i love, which is cool. be good to each other