10 Great TV Shows That Got Cancelled After Just 1 Season

7. Almost Human

Trophy Wife

This promising cyberpunk cop drama was created by sci-fi veteran J. H. Wyman (of Fringe fame), starred the dynamic duo of Karl Urban and Michael Ealy, and even had J. J. Abrams attached as an executive producer. However, that still wasn't enough to help it reach more than a single season.

The premise of Almost Human is this: in the year 2048, the crime rate has risen so much that there was no way for the police to stay on top of it. So they decide to pair each of their human officers with an android one.

The plot was thin and exposition-heavy at first, but there was enough action and excitement to keep you entertained and kick-start the series until it found its footing. That was, unfortunately, never the case, as Fox cancelled it after only 13 episodes.

Since the episodes were largely self-contained, Almost Human still has a high re-watchability value. The interplay between the two main characters is very entertaining and even now, nine years after it debuted, the visual effects look stunning.

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Trophy Wife
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Big fan of TV shows, music, and indie films. Gets too emotional when watching football. Secretly thinks he could run a Premier League club based only on his time spent playing Football Manager.