10 Great TV Shows With One Major Flaw

The Expanse's central character is also its blandest.

The Expanse Holden

No TV show is perfect - it simply isn't possible, especially considering the strained schedules on which most small-screen content is produced, with lower budgets and less time than the vast majority of movies.

But being a great series that's remembered for years, even decades, is nevertheless an enviable legacy to leave.

Sometimes even the best shows have one glaring flaw which, while seemingly not apparent to the creatives, is blindingly obvious to fans who've been watching for years and years.

Again, expecting perfection is foolish and unreasonable, yet given how fantastic these shows all were/are, it's a shame that they have one neon-signposted flaw that holds them back from being even better.

These issues range from outstaying their welcome to excessively repeating plot points, peaking before the end, and even featuring a protagonist who is the worst character of the lot.

And yet, it's a testament to each of these series that they're still phenomenally popular regardless - the storytelling, performances, and overall world of each show is so enticing and entertaining that they rather comfortably weathered these not insignificant creative stumbles...

10. It Didn't End When Steve Carell Left - The Office

The Expanse Holden

After a rough first season where it tried way too hard to imitate its Brit inspiration, the U.S. version of The Office branched off to become its own distinct beast, in turn cementing itself as one of the most beloved and acclaimed sitcoms of the last 20 years.

Yet when star Steve Carell announced that he was departing the show at the end of its seventh season, it seemed like the perfect time to wind things up.

And though Carell's final episode, "Goodbye, Michael," received near-universal acclaim with many feeling that it served as a perfect series finale for The Office, the show ultimately continued on for another two seasons.

Even the most die-hard Office fan will surely agree that the quality sharply declined in the eighth and ninth seasons, as the writers struggled to fill the void left by Carell with a bevy of guest stars, while several main cast members became exaggerated caricatures of themselves (looking at you, Andy).

Though the actual series finale did end the show on something of a high note - aided by an eleventh hour cameo by Carell himself - The Office is nevertheless a textbook example of a brilliant TV series which outstayed its welcome past its natural end-point.

In this post: 
The Expanse
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.