10 Great TV Shows You'll Never Watch Again (And Why)
1. Game Of Thrones
Few TV shows have dominated the cultural landscape as intensely as Game of Thrones has in the past decade. It's become such a benchmark that critics continue to speculate what the next Game of Thrones will be - a sign they haven't watched The Mandalorian, yet.
Overall, Game of Thrones is a great show. Engaging characters and solid storylines kept it moving through 73 episodes, though the pace was pretty slow some of the time. If you haven't watched Game of Thrones, you should. If you have, you're unlikely to go back, again.
A big reason is because the final episode left such a bad taste in so many people's mouths. Knowing where the series ends up takes a lot of the tension out of it. Game of Thrones also banks on a surprising number of twists and turns throughout its run that viewers don't see coming. Once you've experienced those twists, the energy is drained from the show.
That being said, you could always go back and look for more errant coffee cups.