10 Greatest Classic Doctor Who Stories

8. Kinda

Doctor Who Genesis of the Daleks Tom Baker Fourth Doctor
BBC Studios

Kinda is the best Doctor Who serial in Peter Davison's entire era, and it may even be the greatest serial of all time.

Just ask Dalek writer Robert Shearman! It's unnerving and weird in a way that Doctor Who very rarely is.

It also proves that the Davison era would've been vastly improved if it was just Peter Davison and Janet Fielding. Tegan gets something to do other than complain about Heathrow, and Janet Fielding excels in dual roles as Doctor Who companion and Doctor Who villain.

Meanwhile, the combination of the boyish Fifth Doctor with the ever-so-slightly older Todd is one of the great missed opportunities in the history of Doctor/companion pairings.

Kinda is a story about spirituality, temptation, colonialism, isolation, toxic masculinity, and madness. Fans will always point to The Caves of Androzani as the grittiest and greatest Davison story, but they're wrong. Kinda is the great grown-up Davison story because it stays true to Doctor Who's core ideals.

Although, Androzani and Kinda both have a slightly crap monster in them.

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Citizen of the Universe, Film Programmer, Writer, Podcaster, Doctor Who fan and a gentleman to boot. As passionate about Chinese social-realist epics as I am about dumb popcorn movies.