10 Greatest Classic Doctor Who Stories

6. Remembrance Of The Daleks

Doctor Who Genesis of the Daleks Tom Baker Fourth Doctor
BBC Studios

Remembrance of the Daleks is classic Doctor Who's best anniversary special, and it wasn't even intended as one. By returning to the era of the show's birth, the serial interrogates the nostalgia for the 1960s by revealing the fascist undertones in post-war Britain.

It also has an all-timer scene where Sylvester McCoy and Geoffrey from The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air discuss the implications of the age-old question "one lump or two?" Of course, the Doctor's actually discussing whether to blow up Skaro with the Hand of Omega or not.

Does it get more Doctor Who than that?

Remembrance of the Daleks also substantially upgrades the Daleks by confirming that, yes, you did see a hovering Dalek during the Colin Baker era. It also introduces the fearsome Special Weapons Dalek, while establishing Ace as one of Doctor Who's greatest companions by having her batter a Dalek with a baseball bat before jumping out of a window.

Remembrance of the Daleks is a big exciting Doctor Who action movie that interrogates the show's origins, while pondering where it's going next.

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Citizen of the Universe, Film Programmer, Writer, Podcaster, Doctor Who fan and a gentleman to boot. As passionate about Chinese social-realist epics as I am about dumb popcorn movies.