10 Greatest MTV Unplugged Episodes

6. Paul McCartney

MTV Unplugged has gone down in history as being timestamped in the '90s. While plenty of artists have gone unplugged before and after, the real golden age of the acoustic side of MTV didn't really hit its stride until the decade of irony firmly got underway. It does help when you have a legend break down the barrier though.

Being one of the first adopters of the unplugged performance, Paul McCartney ducked into the studios and delivered one of the most memorable shows of his career. With Wings far in the rearview and coming off of the strange delve into movies with Give My Regards To Broad Street, this helped recharge Macca's batteries for the next phase of his career. Seeing how the Beatles Anthology would be coming just a few years later, the best moments on here come when he delves into his Fab catalog, from the beautiful rendition of Here There and Everywhere to forgetting the words on We Can Work It Out.

Though you can tell that the performance is a bit rough around the edges, that adds to the organic nature of the show, as if you're looking in on a rehearsal session as Macca gets in touch with his songs. The Beatles may have felt like a past life at this point, but the poignancy behind these songs still has a firm grip on thousands of listeners.

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