10 Greatest Star Trek Cliffhanger Episodes

4. Hugh, Hugh, Borg V. The Crew, Data, Crosis, Lore (Descent, Part I)

To be continued Star Trek TNG Picard Locutus
Paramount Pictures

Forget the final reveal(s), or even the entire episode, Descent, Part I could have ended after about two minutes and still have made this list. With a trio of historic holograms like that, and one most memorably playing himself, Data's "end program" on the poker game is almost a cliffhanger in and of itself. Indeed, the conclusion to the opener could also qualify – there's a Borg behind that-there door!

As was detailed in Captains' Logs: The Unauthorized Complete Trek Voyages, various ways to end season six were considered before writers and producers settled on the Data-Lore-Borg cliffhanger. One idea, with the very familiar title of 'All Good Things' (without the ellipsis), would have seen the crew of the Enterprise-D split apart to different posts upon their return to Earth. Whatever the alternatives, we're glad we got this rip-roaring reunion for the sons of Soong. Who didn't enjoy hearing the more diabolical than usual Data lay out his plans to destroy the Federation by his brother's side? Families that slay together, stay together?

Descent, Part I also gave us a fascinating new twist on the Borg as Hugh's individuality echoed to others in the Collective. Once more, with feeling! They're a lot more chatty than your 'regular' drone in any case, but just as fearsome with Lore as their leader. And, whilst it's fairly obvious that he's being manipulated, we're also left hanging about Data's newfound dark side and what that means for the fate of Picard, Troi, and Geordi. Plus, Doctor Crusher utterly BOSSES IT back on the Enterprise!

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Jack Kiely is a writer with a PhD in French and almost certainly an unhealthy obsession with Star Trek.