10 Greatest Sword Wielders In Anime

9. Dororo - Hyakkimaru

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As far as swordsmen go, Hyakkimaru can be called out as more sword than man. When his father made a deal with demons to gain their powers for his own personal gain, the demons decided to take parts of his just-born son as payment, stripping the poor infant down to a faceless and limbless mass of flesh.

Fortunately, after being rescued by a doctor and prosthesis maker named Jukai, Hyakkimaru was given new body parts by his adoptive father and trained in how to wield a blade from a young age. Hyakkimaru doesn’t use swords in the traditional sense, as he has no human arms to hold anything with.

Instead, Jukai gave him a new set of arms that also doubled as hidden blades that come out when Hyakkimaru removes their arm-like sleeves. Hyakkimaru uses these hidden blades to seek revenge against his father.

Hyakkimaru sees to it that any human or demon that is stubborn enough to stand in the way of his goal will be torn to pieces by his dual blades, showing us that while he may be crippled, Hyakkimaru is not to be underestimated.


Your friendly neighborhood writer across the pond in the United States' west coast with a deep love for everything nerdy. He is a big fan of Batman and Godzilla and is always excited to see what the future of the entertainment industry will bring.