10 Greatest Television Catchphrases

6. 'Giggity Giggity!' €“ Family Guy

quags €œGiggity Giggity€ is the ultimate creeper line. Without the context it could be completely innocent and could even be taken as a laughing sound, but as we are so familiar with the situations in which the line is used we understand it definitely is not to be used innocently! Quagmire is a much loved character, albeit sometimes a little gross and wrong but we love him for it. All of the characters from Family Guy are pretty quotable but €œGiggity Giggity€ is the definitive catchphrase for this show.

Lady from Liverpool, UK with a BA in English Literature and American Studies currently residing in lovely Melbourne, Australia. Writing and indulging in everything music and television from Kanye West to True Blood. If your a TV fanatic, music lover or just want to have a little nose at what I have to say, check out my blog at aleafoutofhollysbook.wordpress.com