10 Greatest TV Series Finales Of All Time

4. The Sopranos

The ending that had everyone thinking their televisions suddenly cut out. The Sopranos' staggeringly oblique last scene often overshadows the episode leading up to it. Tony's never ending feud with Phil Leotardo ends in wildly horrible fashion. Not only is the "20 years in the can" survivor whacked in front of his family, his head gets squashed by an SUV. There's also hints of Janice becoming more and more like her and Tony's mother in the wake of her husband's death.

The almost apocalyptic vibe of the episode lends every scene an eerier atmosphere than usual. When Tony sits down to dinner with his somehow still intact family, the ever-present likelihood of violence overshadows the small talk and onion ring consumption going on. Journey's Don't Stop Believin' had a second run in the limelight thanks to its use here, playing over the last few moments.

So what really happened in that closing scene? The question continues to drive fans bananas more than a decade later. People have cited all manner of clues and foreshadowing to claim Tony was killed. Others have done the same to imply the total opposite.

We'll never know for sure much like Tony himself never knew if he was safe. The unpredictability of the ending reminds us of the deadly lifestyle he waged and how it could all stop in the blink of an eye. A fascinatingly odd conclusion to HBO's greatest series.


John Cunningham hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.