10 Horror TV Shows That Ended On A Cliffhanger

5. Truth Seekers

The Terror
Amazon Prime

Marketed more as a comedy in the vein of Shaun of the Dead - a deliberate theme that highlighted Nick Frost’s involvement in the project - Truth Seekers actually brought some serious scares to the table when it debuted on Amazon Prime back in late 2020. Following a pair of broadband installers moonlighting as paranormal investigators, the show, unfortunately, didn’t stick the landing.

Despite lukewarm critical reception, the show’s cast and their performances were widely praised, alongside the show's commitment to be, y’know, actually creepy. These positives failed to maintain interest long enough for many audiences to finish it, however.

Those that did make it to the end of the enjoyable, if uneven, project were treated to a cliffhanger involving the group’s 3rd musketeer Astrid. Revealed in the penultimate episode to have been a living ghost the whole time, Sixth Sense Style, Astrid travels to the metaphysical plane to do battle with villain Elara while Gus and Elton fight antagonist Toynbee in the real world to stop a world-ending ritual involving 8G signals. Just a normal one, then.

Astrid tragically ends up ‘crossing over’ permanently and the show ends with Gus and Elton lamenting the loss of their ectoplasmic chum. But wait! In a final twist of the knife, Astrid is shown once again trying to break through to the mortal plain via a painting, her new corporeal friends none the wiser. Nick Frost then announced the show’s cancellation through Instagram shortly after, obviously. Poor Astrid.

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Total goblin. Quit the food and beverage industry after ten years to try my hand at writing nonsense online. I have a huge passion for film, television, cats, art, tattoos, food, anarchy and classic literature (mainly Dune). Currently based at my mum's house, I can be best reached on Instagram (@charlie_marx) where I attempt to soothe my mental health with memes.