10 How I Met Your Mother Moments That Prove Barney Is REALLY Ted's Best Friend
3. Barney Warns Ted When He's About To Put Everything On The Line For Zoey
Zoey Pierson is the worst thing that ever happened to Ted. The ex-girlfriend of The Captain, George Van Smoot, she was the worst thing that ever happened to Ted even though our homeboy was too pussywhipped to notice that fact at the time.
Zoey was on the other side of the Arcadian Hotel debate. She was so caught up in her own desire to preserve that ruin that she never stopped to consider how much designing the GNB building would mean for Ted’s career. Or maybe she did but simply didn’t care.
Ted’s other friends, Marshall and Lily, were on Team Zoey. Only Barney told Ted the truth. He would lose his job if the whole deal came apart but somehow resisted holding it over Ted’s head. He only told Ted that the woman was bad for him. In classic Ted Mosby fashion, he didn't realise this until it was too late