10 Huge TV Shows Ruined By Their Ending Twist

5. Game Of Thrones - Bran, Dany, Jon & Everything Else

How I Met Your Mother

It's no secret that the final season of Game of Thrones went down like a lead balloon, so much so that whenever the show's brought up discussion usually ends up centred around how disappointing it was.

With rushed emotional payoffs and blatantly pointless character assassinations, the fantasy epic has some good set pieces in its final moments, but that's about it. Dany loses her mind with no build-up, sadistic Cersei somehow becomes a victim, and Jaime Lannister, despite his noble development, is killed rushing back to his sister.

The twist that Dany was destined to be just like her father is obvious and yet awfully handled, and the final moments - in which Bran, of all people, is lazily crowned king - only add insult to injury. It's an ending that's just twist after twist, and not one of them lands. What a waste.


i get to write about what i love, which is cool. be good to each other