10 Idiotic Decisions By TV Characters Who Should Have Known Better

7. Ross Doesn't Read Rachel's Letter - Friends

Game Of Thrones Red Wedding

Nobody is going to pretend that Ross Geller is some romantic genius. But this one was pretty obvious.

Following a messy break-up that may or may not have included Ross cheating on Rachel (depends on who you ask), things were looking up for the show's biggest couple, with a definite chance for reconciliation.

Before they can get there, Ross must first read a letter that Rachel has written him, and either agree or disagree with the terms laid out. Except, he doesn't read the letter. He instead lies about it, doing what every Facebook user ever has done and fully agrees to the terms and conditions with reading them first.

So when Ross does finally get around to reading the letter, in which he must take responsibility for everything that went wrong in their previous relationship, it proves to be too much to handle for Ross. The recently reformed relationship falls apart rather spectacularly.

Think of the alternative that Ross had here. He could have come clean to Rachel right away, admitting that he accidentally fell asleep and needed more time to read the letter. Then, they could have discussed the problems with their old relationship like rational adults.

Instead, all Ross did was give Rachel even more reason to never trust a word he says ever again.


I'm that millennial that's been destroying every industry. I also once placed fourth in a spelling bee.